The following information is required as per Chapter 23 of the 2019 edition of “Installation of Sprinkler Systems” (NFPA 13).
Required Information on Drawings
Name of owner and occupant
- Location, including street address
- Point of compass
- Ceiling construction
- Full height cross section
- Location of fire walls
- Location of partitions
- Occupancy class of each area or room
- Any questionable small enclosures in which no sprinklers are to be installed
- Size of main in street, pressure and whether dead end or circulating
- Location of concealed spaces, closets, attics and bathrooms
- City main test results
- Other sources of water supply
- Make, type, model and nominal K-factor sprinkler
- Temperature rating and location of high temperature sprinklers
- Number of sprinklers on each riser, each system by floors and total area by each system on each floor
- Number of sprinklers on each dry pipe system or preaction deluge system
- Make, type, model and size of alarm or dry pipe valve
- Make, type, model and size of preaction or deluge valve
- Approximate capacity in gallons of each dry pipe system
- Location of all control valves, checks, drainpipe and test pipes
- Nominal pipe size and cutting lengths of pipe, center to center dimensions
- Location and size riser nipples
- Location of Post Indicator Valve
- Size, location, piping arrangement and distance of fire hydrant to Fire Department Connection
- Size and location of fire hydrants, showing size and number of outlets, showing location of shutoff valves. Static and residual hydrants that were used in flow tests shall be shown.
- Type and location of alarm bells
- Type and location of hangers and how it is attached to structure
- Calculation of sprinkler piping loads as it pertains to roof structures
- Type of lateral sway bracing and how it is attached to structure
- Type of longitudinal sway bracing and how it is attached to structure
- Type of 4-way sway bracing and how it is attached to structure
- Size and location of standpipe risers, hose outlets, hand hose, monitor nozzle and related equipment
- Private underground pipe size and length, depth that the top of the pipe is laid below grade the point of connection to city main, type of valves, meters and valve pits
- Name, address and phone number of contractor and sprinkler designer
- Plans and calculations signed and sealed
- Graphic representation of the scale used on all plans
- Legend for all abbreviations used
- Hydraulic reference points shown by a number and /or letter designation and correspond to reference points shown on calculation sheets
- System design criteria showing minimum rate of water application (density), design area of water application and water required fro hose stream both inside and outside
- Actual calculated requirements showing total quantity of water and the pressure required at common reference point
- Relative elevation of sprinklers
- A signed copy of the owner’s certificate.
Required Information For Calculations
- Location
- Name of owner and occupant
- Building identification
- Description of hazard
- Name and address of contractor and designer
- Calculation need to be signed and sealed
System Design Requirements
- Design are of water application
- Minimum rate of water application (density)
- Area of sprinkler coverage
- Hazard or commodity classification
- Building height
- Storage height
- Storage method
- Total water requirements, including allowances for hose demand water supply information.
- Location and elevation of static and residual test hydrants with relation to the riser reference point
- Flow location
- Static pressure in psi
- Residual pressure in psi
- Flow in gpm
- Date of test
- Time of test
- Test conducted by whom
- Sketch of gridded system calculation to indicate flow quantities and directions for lines with sprinklers operated in remote area
Additional Information Necessary
- Sprinkler description and discharge constant (K-factor)
- Hydraulic reference points
- Flow in gpm
- Pipe diameter (actual internal diameter)
- Pipe length
- Equivalent pipe length for fittings and components
- Pressure loss do to friction per foot of pipe
- Total pressure loss do to friction between reference points
- Elevation difference between reference points
- Required pressure in psi at each reference point
- Notes to indicate starting points, reference to other sheets or classification of data
- All plan sheets shall be the same size
- Manufacturer catalog cutsheets on all devices, appliances, piping and other equipment used for this suppression system
- Gauges shown on all risers
- On semi-logarithmic graph paper the following shall be plotted
- Safety factor of 20%
- Water supply curve
- Sprinkler system demand
- Hose demand (where applicable)
- In-rack sprinkler demand (where applicable)