Fire lanes shall be a minimum of 18 feet in unobstructed width, a minimum turning radius capable of accommodating the largest fire apparatus of this Fire District or any responding mutual aid fire apparatus and a minimum vertical clearance of 13 1/2 feet.
The pavement in front of the curb and the top and face of the curb itself shall be so marked to designate that it is a fire lane by the following:
- The color of designating the fire lane shall be different than the color used for the parking spaces
- Lettering on the pavement shall be at least 12 inch letters
- Lettering on pavement shall state NO PARKING FIRE LANE
- Lettering on pavement shall be at 50 feet intervals
Pole signs will also be needed and shall include:
- Signs at each corner
- At 50 feet intervals for the entire length of the fire lane
- Top of sign shall be five (5) feet above grade
- Signs may be mounted on columns or building if the fire lane is directly in front
Designated fire lanes shall be maintained free of obstructions and vehicles
All designated fire lane signs and/or markings shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and replaced when necessary to ensure adequate visibility.